ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
These words popped into my head
this morning as I was thinking about how I manage to embroil myself in all
sorts of undertakings that make the glass of my day not half full or half empty
but pretty much overflowing. Actually, the words didn’t do their popping in
French, although I did know that it was the language of origin for the phrase “The more
things change, the more they stay the same.” Or in present day vernacular, “Same
old, same old.”
In the past, people kept diaries
and journals. Those writings obviously had a lot to do with the very human need
to keep a record of everyday life, of the history unfolding around them. Some
people were better at it than others—people like Shakespeare and Plato and the
good folks who brought us the Bible. We called them writers. In addition to thinking grand thoughts, they also
had the laborious task of putting it all down by hand. If you’ve ever had to scribble
“I must not talk in class” fifty times on the blackboard, you’ll have a small
idea of what that must have been like. At least, you didn’t have to make your
own chalk or fight with a goose in order to get a quill.
With the invention of the printing
press, almost anyone could be a writer. No longer did you have to hand write
thirty copies of Genesis so more than one person could borrow it from the
library. Further down the evolutionary road came the typewriter and eventually
the computer and Internet. And that’s how things changed—and how they
stayed the same.
Remember Erma Bombeck? She was a
grand lady who helped a whole generation of women survive living in the suburbs
and raising semi-normal children. There were a lot of other writers whose words
appeared on the pages of every newspaper in the country. These days, not so
much. The main place we get our news—the newspaper—is fading. These days, we have the Internet and so instead of the columnist, we have
the blog.
“Blog” is a mishmash of “web log.” If you have
something to say, here’s the place to say it without having first to convince
an editor to put you on the payroll. And people don’t have
to wait for the thud on the front door that says the paper carrier went by so they can read it. Readers are able to get opinions on a variety of topics with the click of a computer mouse or
the swipe of a finger on an iPhone or iPad, and can sign up to follow a
particular blog or leave their own comments. For writers, blogs are the best
thing since sliced bread.
Some of my best friends are local writers—and
bloggers. Have kids running around—yours or somebody else’s? Check out
by educational science writer and
homeschooler Colleen Kessler. Or
by Eric van Raepenbusch, who does awesome celebrations of picture book authors’
birthdays by coming up with related creative activities for kids. Eric also creates
the hilarious adventures of Three Ghost
Friends and talks about books at
Want to be inspired? Janie Reinart,
whose book Love You More Than You Know
recently won the 2013 Best Cleveland Book award, blogs with stories of the
dedicated men and women in our military and their families at
And for a little lighter fare, try Kate
Like Erma Bombeck, Kate’s delightful, down-to-earth commentary on life will
make you feel you have a new friend.
I, too, am not immune from the blog
phenomena, although I’m blaming it all on my daughter, who had this great idea
and wanted me to run with it. I fought it as long as I could, but eventually
gave in. Since I’m almost never without my iPod or iPad, and since these new
gadgets can provide wonderful lifelines for older people, I’ve instituted, in which I
review some apps that I especially enjoy. They may not be the newest or the
most popular, but for the most part, they’re useful and even more important, fun.
Do you have a blog just waiting to
be written? Jump in! The water's fine! Or, as the French say, Voyez-vous en ligne !
Dear Mary/Granny Apple,
Found both of your blogs on one Jeff Goins' piece.
I do suffer from information overload because of the availability of everything in one click. I think our lives have evolved into constant editing as there can be too much to process.
I'll check the other blogs you recommended :)
Dear Mary/Granny Apple,
Found both of your blogs on one Jeff Goins' piece.
I do suffer from information overload because of the availability of everything in one click. I think our lives have evolved into constant editing as there can be too much to process.
I'll check the other blogs you recommended :)
I loved, loved, loved Erma Bombeck. She had such a conversational, intimate, humorous writing style. I miss her. Although, I guess you could say I probably could find about a thousand blogs that milk that same vein of advice/chit-chat/humor. I miss opening up the newspaper (now almost a relic in itself) and reading her column.
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